Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Next week end, I decided to purchase a bicycle for my fiance. En effect, I tought a bicycle was a very good idea for gain time for him. Because, his work is very far to my house and without car is not very pratical.
I was very happy when I bought this present. I was very exiting when I offer this one. His reaction was not immediatly. After one moment, he said : Anne, thanks you very much for your present but I think to use bicycle during winter will be difficult ....
Oh my god!!!! I forgot this detail!!! I am in Calgary. There is snow in winter!!!
My second present will be mountain range for bicycle :).


~.Emmanuel.~ said...

hey Anne... what's happening...!
hey I read your comment, its funny and cute...!
A bicycle its great idea but you forgot that point... yes... the winter, so different than other countries.
I think maybe in France its the same than Mexico, in winter we don't have snow.
But its a very good present, I believe than your boyfriend is very happy...!
well, I need sleep just now hehe...
see you tomorrow...!

deyvid-s said...

Hello! I think so that the bicycle is a good present because no all the time is winter in Calgary and you boyfriend have time for use this and enjoy more your presents, that is very good!

Marcy said...

Hey Anne. I think that your idea is a wonderful one. And believe it or not, a lot of people in Calgary use their bikes during the winter. It's a little cold but it's better than walking. He just needs to be extra careful when it's icy. Keep up the good blogging.

mohammad(almadhi). said...

Anne how are you?
good blogger...
I need sleep just now ...
see you tomorrow...!

yangyang said...

hey!ann l am coming for looking you~ l think you maybe happy right? how many day l wasn't see you what happend? l missing you very much~ uhh~ your blog's article so few~ you will be fighting~ l hope you~

Cody Johnston said...

Ha, I read your story about buying the bike-- very funny! I was one of those crazy people who used to ride a bike all winter. It is not so bad when you get used to the cold. It's actually quite warm once you start moving!

Have a great weekend!