Thursday, December 6, 2007

My futur

Hie everybody,

i want to talk about my objective in my life. My first objective is that i am going to be bilingual. I will stay in Calgary maybe for three years. My first year is to learn english and to prepare for MBA competitive examination. My second objective is to succeed at this exam and go back in France.My third objective is to find a very good job in my activity sector. Really is so important, because i need to be interesting, to realise many challenge, to have a reconizely. You will do this work during all your life. According to me, it's so indispensable to like it.
After that, I would like to make a family.
It's my principal objective. I would like to do that. To imagine our futur is so difficult but it's necessary. If you don't have a real goal, you can become an ambitious person. It's not the aim in life.

My life in Calgary and more particular my landromat

Hie everybody,
In my appartement, I don't a washing machine. I found a landromet near of my house. It's a real removal because I have many bags. It's so funny for other people to see me, not really for me .You are so lucky if you find a washing machine that function. :). This place has a old style and ....people too!
You learn many thing between customers and the owner. They are from different origine. You are people very poor that beggar or student like me no more. In beginning, I was so afraid but after i learned to know the kind of people. Their stories are so sade and really complicat. After the kind of stories, you think that you are lucky to live your life.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My sister : johanne

Hie everybody,

The topic today are my sister. My first sister is Johanne. She is younger than me. She has 20 years old. In this moment, she is in spirituel crisis. She is really nervious and stressed by her exams:she said... So hard for her :)But every thursday ( it's a tradition in Bordeaux for student), she go out in club. She is indispensableto relax her . According to me, She is so relax. Yesterday johanne called me, Anne I have a big problem, in reallity 2. She said me : I don't have a work placement for january and I have a little debt in my bank. Oupppppssss. Ok!!! What happens with you Johanne? Are you teenagers? Please grow up!!! And she said me:I am sorry my sister I have a new boy friend!! I am fall in love. What kind of answer could i formulate?
Ok my sister i will arrange that.

good by my friend

I was so sade!!! Yes, my friend Milena will come back in Colombia next week. I am happy for her because she will see her son and her husband. I tell you my story with Milena during 3 months.
My first impression : every people said the most important is the first impression. When I saw milena my first time, she was friendly and really protective with me. Although that she was older than me, we were become very quiekly friend.
Shopping: Our first activity together was shopping. Oh my god!!!! She loved shopping like me . "like me": I can stay in one store maybe 3 hours , there is no problem for me. I found a partner for that.
I shared a very good time with her. She is simple person, very nice and really genereous.
Funny story: One day, Milena saw a beautiful diament earing and neckales . She tried maybe all store for find the perfect jewel. She stayed 1h45. After that, she hesitated and she didn't buy jewels.
After our shopping, Milena decided to came back again in this store. She tried again many things. The salesman was not very happy for that. She stayed again a lot of time . Finally, she prefered buy a big Ice cream. I was agree with here. Because really after the kind of adventure it was necessary to took many vitamins.
You miss will miss me very much my friend. It's for you:
Vas fallar de a mí pero te prometo que vendré a Conlombie pronto. Gracias por todo

my new job

Hie everybody,
Last week, i gave my resume in Eaten Center. I wanted to work during chritmas period.
My first interview was catastrophique. The woman wasn't agreable. I was really unconfortable with her because she was so pedantic. After that, I was introverted because of her hatitude and my english began so bad.
Finally, I prefered to conclude this interview. I shaked her hand and I continued my way.
After that, i gave my resume in Body Shop. I don't why because I didn't know the store before. I met a woman so friendly and I discuted with her maybe 1 hour. She said me"I like you. Are you available decembre". Of course!!!!!!!!!! In this moment, I saw many stars arround me. I was so proud to me.
So, after the beautiful experience or a beautiful luck, I decided to eat a very good ice cream with many sugar and fat...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Next week end, I decided to purchase a bicycle for my fiance. En effect, I tought a bicycle was a very good idea for gain time for him. Because, his work is very far to my house and without car is not very pratical.
I was very happy when I bought this present. I was very exiting when I offer this one. His reaction was not immediatly. After one moment, he said : Anne, thanks you very much for your present but I think to use bicycle during winter will be difficult ....
Oh my god!!!! I forgot this detail!!! I am in Calgary. There is snow in winter!!!
My second present will be mountain range for bicycle :).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Anne in Calgary

Welcome in my blog