Wednesday, December 5, 2007

good by my friend

I was so sade!!! Yes, my friend Milena will come back in Colombia next week. I am happy for her because she will see her son and her husband. I tell you my story with Milena during 3 months.
My first impression : every people said the most important is the first impression. When I saw milena my first time, she was friendly and really protective with me. Although that she was older than me, we were become very quiekly friend.
Shopping: Our first activity together was shopping. Oh my god!!!! She loved shopping like me . "like me": I can stay in one store maybe 3 hours , there is no problem for me. I found a partner for that.
I shared a very good time with her. She is simple person, very nice and really genereous.
Funny story: One day, Milena saw a beautiful diament earing and neckales . She tried maybe all store for find the perfect jewel. She stayed 1h45. After that, she hesitated and she didn't buy jewels.
After our shopping, Milena decided to came back again in this store. She tried again many things. The salesman was not very happy for that. She stayed again a lot of time . Finally, she prefered buy a big Ice cream. I was agree with here. Because really after the kind of adventure it was necessary to took many vitamins.
You miss will miss me very much my friend. It's for you:
Vas fallar de a mí pero te prometo que vendré a Conlombie pronto. Gracias por todo

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