Wednesday, December 5, 2007

my new job

Hie everybody,
Last week, i gave my resume in Eaten Center. I wanted to work during chritmas period.
My first interview was catastrophique. The woman wasn't agreable. I was really unconfortable with her because she was so pedantic. After that, I was introverted because of her hatitude and my english began so bad.
Finally, I prefered to conclude this interview. I shaked her hand and I continued my way.
After that, i gave my resume in Body Shop. I don't why because I didn't know the store before. I met a woman so friendly and I discuted with her maybe 1 hour. She said me"I like you. Are you available decembre". Of course!!!!!!!!!! In this moment, I saw many stars arround me. I was so proud to me.
So, after the beautiful experience or a beautiful luck, I decided to eat a very good ice cream with many sugar and fat...

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Congratulations, you will do very well.